Palliative Care Education and Practice (PCEP)


Frequently Asked Questions

When will I hear back from you about my application?
When we receive your materials, you will receive a confirmation email from us letting you know that we have received everything or if we are still waiting for something to review your application. You will be notified via email of your status. 

If my colleague and I are both applying to the course, can we send in one application?
While you and your colleague may be coming to the course with the same project and/or goals, we will be reviewing the applications separately. There are some instances when we can only accept one person from the team. With this, it is important for each individual to apply separately, but mention that your colleague (include name) is also applying.

Is the tuition due at one time?
Yes. Participants can pay via credit card or check prior to the start of the course. Cash is not accepted. Please note that if you pay by wire, you must include an additional $30 (U.S.) to cover the bank wire fees.

I am a Fellow; can I apply for this program?
Unfortunately, we do not accept Fellows to this program.

Can you tell me more about the project?
The project should be something that you are already working on or have been charged to do at your institution. Do not try to create something special for the course. The idea is to be able to bring this project with you and get feedback from faculty and your project group members, as well as apply what you are learning in the course to your everyday work. Projects have ranged from developing a palliative care program, to developing a curriculum for fellows/medical students, to research and quality improvement projects related to palliative medicine/service.

What is the schedule like for the course?
The schedule is very full. Due to the intense nature of the course, we request that you keep most evenings free for program preparation and activities. You must be able to participate for the full two weeks and participate in the online discussion in the six-month interim. You also must complete the course in order. The curriculum is continuous, so you cannot start with Part 2 and conclude with Part 1.

How many people are accepted and how many people apply?
The application process is competitive. We typically receive over 120 applicants each year for 72 spots; up to 35 spots are allocated to the Pediatric Track.